Monday, January 16, 2012


"She has a really big head, doesn't she"... Honest to God, I don't mind and I don't feel like I owe an explanation to everyone who comments on Fi, but seriously, what are people smoking, why do they think they can walk around saying stuff like this... I may soon have to stop posting every rude comment and just focus on the real funny or outrageous ones...


  1. Hi. So I did just stumble upon your blog as I continue to search for more info and answers for my family. My son is 2 and was diagnosed at about 18 months. My daughter is also short, and might possible have the same diagnosis one day. I am very short, 4'10, and come from a family of average height-maybe even slightly taller than average. I was diagnosed with "short stature" as a child, and now believe after lots and lots of dr appt for my son, that I have hc as well. I'm always searching for more in an effort to be as educated as possible for myself and my children. After reading your blog, I have heard some of the exact same comments made about my son. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

    :) Erin

  2. Hi Erin,
    Thanks for commenting and good luck on your journey.
