Monday, May 11, 2015

Those little ears

It has been a while, since I have felt down, not because everything is great, but I suppose I have got used to lots going on and always having to fight for everything for Fi's care.

Fi started swimming, it's a looong story, the local pools wouldn't take her as she is so much smaller, so we ended up getting involved, starting a new swim club with some friends and doing a special disability swim class. We have worked on this for a year. A LOT. It's actually amazing and it's a great way to do something for the community. Anyway, that's an uplifting story, won't think of it now, when I am clearly so down :-)

Getting Fi into competitive sport is something we both feel very strong about, it's great for slef-confidence, character building, community, body image, etc.

Anyway she started swimming a month ago and has been doing so well in her small group, and then last week, as she has been going under water, she complained of an ear ache after class. Immediately we started using ear plugs, but it was too late, she has a major ear infection and her hearing is severely down. I suppose the only good thing is that she had her quarterly hearing test scheduled for today and her 6 monthly ENT is on Wed.

So now I have the dilemma, what to do, go for grommets, which means that she won't be allowed to swim for a month, or ask to treat it conservatively, which has a high chance of failing and costs a lot of money with more audiology and ENT visits and she would be in more pain and essentially I am just prolonging it all...

I hate this middle ear stuff...

On the plus side Tara's hearing test today was the best she has ever had, so after 4 very long years, maybe she is off the hook for hearing problems, won't get too relaxed just yet...

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