Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Ear tubes/grommets take 3

It was almost a year ago that Fi had her last set of ear tubes and some time in November her tubes extruded. There are a few important things to note here:
- She only had 1 ear infection (I think when tubes were still in place)
- No pain
- No noticeable hearing problems, great speech

Yet when we went for her ENT both of her ears were filled with fluid, so much so that we had surgery booked in less than a week's time, which NEVER happens in this country. The plan, from after the last surgery, was to have her adenoids assessed as well and if they are enlarged, get them removed as well.

Again, there a few things to note here with the doctor's approach:
- She had her notes from a year ago and referred to the discussion
- Because she only snores when congested - no obstructive sleep apnea, she didn't want to touch her adenoids before the age of 2.

We got to meet the anesthetist before. Who was very open to reviewing Dr Pauli's anesthesia guidelines.  He didn't know hypochondroplasia at all and had a lot of great questions about her previous surgeries and if we have had a neck CT, etc. I felt that we were in good hands, also it helped that he took a real caring interest in her, asking how this condition will impact her, etc.

As I suspected she also got her adenoids out, apparently they were HUGE (3+, I think the scale goes up to 4+), there was also a lot of fluid, and I suppose when an ENT says that, there had to be a LOT of fluid.

Here is the surgery in pictures.

Dr Fi examining Bunny. This really helped, all the doctors examining her, could use Bunny to demonstrate. Bunny got a bracelet, Bunny had a cap, a gown, everything.

The biggest hurdle was getting her to wear the gown, Bunny had to spend a good hour in the gown before she was convinced it was the biggest trend ever...
She was also very hungry by the time she got to surgery at 3 pm, she was fasting since 8 AM. I was surprised at her maturity, she understood that she could eat anything after she had the tubes put in, but not before.

 Still smiling in preop. The best patient ever, really. The hospital staff were great, everyone chatted to her, played with her. In pre-op they let her play with the wires, didn't attach any electrodes to her until she was masked to sleep.
I could stay in and hold her until she fell asleep. Then I went upstairs a bit disoriented and one of the nurses got some tea for me and then later sent me to get something to eat.

Unfortunately at this hospital you can't go to recovery, but the nurse told me when she went to get her (25 minutes past GA) and she was back in 40 minutes total.

She never really cried at all, could be comforted very easily.

Totally zonked out on the morphine, 5 hours post-op, with caring sisters watching some cartoon... She was very happy when her sisters came in for her though...

1 comment:

  1. So glad that she did well! I love all the pictures and the bunny is a fabulous idea! Reid is terrified of doctors right now and I was hoping that Fairbanks (his polar bear) might compfort him more during office visits. No luck yet. :/
