Sunday, August 14, 2011

Visit with the orthopedic surgeon

We went to see the local orthopedic surgeon who does limb lengthening here. I don't think we would want to have the surgery here, as they can't possibly have as much experience as the US centres of excellence, but we had an opportunity to see him and I wanted to hear what he had to say.

 Similarly to Dr Paley he said the best age to have the first surgery would be between the age of 8-9. I won't go into the different methodology he uses and neither did he at this stage. But there was one interesting thing that he said, I guess my primary concern would be the pain involved (and of course the potential complications), whereas in his view the pain is controllable. He said that the hardest part was having to put the whole family's life on hold for months after the surgery. He also confirmed what I suspected, that everyone will have complications, which I guess reaffirms my feeling about wanting to go to  specialized centre...

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