Monday, September 26, 2011

This and that

I haven't been writing much lately, I guess the main reason is that I have done most of my research, I think I have done more writing and taking notes than in the last 10 years total... If I would only find the time to at least add all the links here... I will try...
The second reason is that Fiona is doing rather well, so I have stopped worrying all the time, well at least for now... I think both her HC and height are still on the average height chart, but only just about... She is nearly 4 months now and is a real sweetheart, she is interacting so much, full of smiles and chuckles, she is chewing on her little chubby hands and is now properly manipulating her toys. She can hold things now in her hand, just won't grab on her own yet.
The third reason is that I have been quite busy working with Tara on her speech and school stuff...So it has all been very busy, I can't wait for my maternity leave to end, so that I will have the childminder in the house for when I work and will actually have a few minutes to myself, I know this sounds bizarre...
We will go and see Dr Pauli in 2 weeks am very excited about it, not sure what he will say...

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