Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I am struggling

I am struggling with the whole notion of having a child who will look so different. Fiona's height has now dropped to -3 standard deviations on the WHO height chart, so she is at 0.4th percentile and probably soon she will entirely move off the chart. Her head is now on the 91st...
We went to my company's children's Christmas party and I couldn't help but wonder, will I enjoy it in a few years when everyone will be staring at her and us, will my other children enjoy it... When does the staring begin anyhow, I wonder and how long does it take to get used to... The few older kids I have seen with hypo, I suppose I wouldn't have noticed that they look different when they are on their own, but surely they are a lot shorter when they are with their peers. It's not like people are walking around with tape measure to measure limb lengths...
I hope she will only look different and won't be different in her cognitive capacities, for now she continues to meet all her milestones with flying colors. And what's the psychological impact of living your life feeling so different and how much of that can a loving family compensate for. And maybe she will be like Lia, maybe she has inherited my restless mind that is always racing ahead, never giving me a second of peace. She is nearly 7 months and there is not one fay that I am not thinking why this had to happen to her, the cruelty of it all is beyond me.
We haven't said anything to our other kids and now I am beginning to wonder if we should, but my husband insists that it is better to wait until the question arise. And he is probably right, every time I start a big topic with the kids that they are not ready for yet, the conversation kind of abruptly stops.
The other day I overheard this woman complaining that her daughter is so tall that she always has to stand in the back for school photos and she kept going on and on how unfair this was...


  1. I hear you. I am getting better with the day to day of it, but still get overwhelmed at times - espcially when I am watching my older two kids in their activities. I do worry about next year, when he starts preschool and is around kids his age more.

  2. Thank you Noee, makes me feel a lot better that I am not the only one who can't master optimism for every second of the day...

  3. Honestly, we just get so busy with the daily life, and thankfully my son is healthy in every other way. But when the doubt and worry hits, it hits hard. I know the worry will come more and more as we get closer to next September. But on the other hand, I know I can't keep him home for the rest of his life.

    After a 3 year break, I've restarted posting on my blog, if you are interested.

  4. Hi Noee,
    I am adding your blog to my list, so we can keep in touch now... You have very cute kids...

  5. Thanks. You too ;)

    and thanks for adding my blog. It's nice to be able to connect with other families.
