Monday, November 5, 2012

Got to boast....

We went to see Fi's paediatrician today, we attend her at the busiest maternity hospital in Dublin, but she actually works as a neonatologist at one of the children's hospitals. She asked me if I would be interested in giving a presentation to the registrars at the hospital about hypochondroplasia and about our experience and all the research I have done.
I am not sure if it will actually happen, but I guess this explains why she is our paed, although she is officially a neonatologist, I am not letting go of her, and she is not trying to discharge us either... :-)))


  1. haha- I don't think I told you this yet, but when we saw Dr. Pauli, the first thing he said was "I'm going to try to answer all your questions the best I can, and for those I can't answer, I'm sure Fi's mom will be able to." :) :) :)

    You are amazing and I'm so thankful for all the work you've done to research, present, and translate into layman's terms all the info on hypo. Fi is such a lucky girl.

  2. I cannot believe he said that, that is hilarious... and so very sweet of him, such a nice man and an amazing doctor!
