Tuesday, January 3, 2012


OK, so I might be oversensitive, but a really good friend was visiting and we were discussing about Fi's length, etc... When she just said: "Oh it's a matter of perspective, so many people who can't have children would be so happy to have even a child like this..." WTF... 1. We are happy to have her and why indicate that we shouldn't be happy and what's with the whole "child like this" bit... I know what she wanted to say that she is gorgeous as is and I shouldn't obsess, but seriously, words MATTER...


  1. Ouch. People just don't think. I had one lady say to me 'he gets smaller each time I see him'. Really? I told her 'well, he does have a growth issue..'. Then she goes on 'oh I know. ' really? If you did know, why would you say something?

    People just don't think things through.

  2. There are so many rude things that I could have said to that lady, I probably would have too...

  3. Hi there! I just saw your comment on the tall chick's blog. I have a son with achondroplasia and can relate with some of your concerns. We have a blog as well! Cole was our first child and is 4 years old. We have since had two more little boys! Just wanted to say hi.

  4. Hi, thanks for checking in.... 3 boys - sounds madness :-)
