Monday, October 22, 2012

Leaving Baltimore

Saturday was the save a limb ride, a perfectly organised event. We did the one mile walk with our friends. One of the girls who did the walk has ACH and had one leg lengthening. It was amazing to see how well she could walk,run, jump, dance.
My friend's daughter is such a wonderful, beautiful,intelligent kid. I surely wasn't so pulled together at the age of 15. I would never think that she has HCH. It was amazing to see all these children and their families. There wasn't too much small talk, I learnt soooooo much, will take weeks to distill it all.
Fi obviously has a great sense for drama as she decided to take 40 steps on her own at the fundraising dinner. I will post a video and write more about this next week.
We left B.more believing in a better future. We saw the reality and it was an awful lot yo take in and digest,but our trip has been extremely worthwhile and I don't say that lightly,it's not a walk in the park to travel with such a young child.
We have seen the doctor,met some new friends and also some old ones,who gave us a tour of Baltimore and DC.
The part I struggle with most is the consumerism that I have seen here, I forgot... It's pretty disturbing, will write more about this no doubt

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