Friday, December 21, 2012


I am literally going through the blog labels and writing the posts I have been planning to write but never did over the last few months...

So, Fi started walking at 16 months. She has been cruising for a very long time, perhaps since 10 months or so. I love Dr Sears and what he says about late walkers is 100% the reason why she walked late, I am certain, it was defo HCH, she has been ready, but was so obviously holding back...: "Late walkers are more likely to be content to entertain themselves with seeing and fingering fun than with motor accomplishments. A late walker goes through the crawl-cruise-stand-walk sequence slowly and cautiously, calculating each step and progressing at his own comfortable rate. When he does finally walk, he walks well."

Now at nearly 19 months, she walks around as if she had always walked, she hasn't had a single bad fall yet which I cannot believe, she is very careful, and I must admit I don't mind.

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